Accurate knowledge about the current state of an organization's technology infrastructure and related IP-connected systems is critical for long-range strategic planning. However, most organizations lack qualified staff to perform these surveys while system vendors may not take a client-centric approach.
Led by a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD), a Technology Conditions Survey (TCS) from Archi-Technology provides an accurate look at your technology infrastructure and IP-connected systems:
The Technology Conditions Survey section of the Comprehensive Technology Report and Plan includes:
NYS school districts: This service qualifies for NYSED Building Conditions Survey (BCS) aid or is BOCES aidable. Contact us for details.
Led by a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD), a Technology Conditions Survey (TCS) from Archi-Technology provides an accurate look at your technology infrastructure and IP-connected systems:
- Technology infrastructure including communications cabling, pathways, and spaces such as Telecommunications Rooms and IT-equipment cabinets
- Network connectivity including wired and wireless
- Communications systems including Phone, Public Address and Master Clock
- Instructional systems (smartboards, projectors, classroom audio)
- Security systems (video surveillance, intrusion detection, access control)
- Clinical systems for healthcare (nurse call, patient monitoring)
The Technology Conditions Survey section of the Comprehensive Technology Report and Plan includes:
- A narrative summary with photos of Current Technology Conditions both on an enterprise-wide and building-specific basis of surveyed systems.
- Narrative of Recommended Improvements required to meet long-term goals.
- A Summary of Recommended Improvements for Telecom Rooms
NYS school districts: This service qualifies for NYSED Building Conditions Survey (BCS) aid or is BOCES aidable. Contact us for details.