Instructional Material Aid
Aidable expenditures include:
Examples of unaidable expenditures include:
No double dipping with any equipment purchased via a BOCES CoSer. Both the law and regulation pertaining to this aid clearly state that expenditures for all equipment, repair and staff development claimed for this aid must be for instructional purposes only. Due to advances in computer technology, there may be situations where a particular equipment purchase supports both instructional and non-instructional use. In such instances, districts should claim for purposes of this aid only the instructional portion of the expense, as determined by applying a reasonable method of proration. RETURN TO TOP |
All NYS districts are eligible although we are unclear as to what formula the State uses to calculate the amount of district aid.
Expenses should be submitted with the district’s State Aid claim by September 2 of the claim year.
Revisions to State Aid claims, including ST-3 and Schedule C, must be submitted to State Aid by no later than June 30 of the aid year to be eligible for payment as a current year aid. For example, claims for the aid year 2020-21 must be submitted by June 30, 2021 to be paid as a 2020-21 current aid payment. Statute of Limitation: After June 30th of the aid year, claims for aid payments must be submitted no later than one year after the close of the school year for which aid is being claimed. RETURN TO TOP |
The aid is paid in the spring of the aid year together with the Textbook, Software and Library Materials Aid payments.
Note that New York State Education Dept. (NYSED) is still issuing guidelines for use of NYS's $7.9 billion allocated in the American Rescue Plan (ARP) passed by U.S. Congress in March 2021. Currently, available district funds must be spent by Sept. 30, 2024, although a deadline extension is possible. Sign up to be notified when significant content updates are posted.